
실물의 금을 살 수 있는 기회가 이제 막바지로 다가서는 느낌. 8월 2째주에 약간의 조정을 거쳐 이제 점점 사기 힘든 금속이 되어갈것 같은 느낌.  온스당 $2K가 생각보다 빨리 올것 같은 느낌.

  • In Feb. 2011, the S&P 500 and Gold were almost the same value.
  • The closest the two were together was Feb. 2, 2011. Gold was $1,337.80 while
    the S&P 500 was at $1,289.80; a difference of 47, or 8%.
  • As of Aug. 4, 2011, the difference has expanded. Gold reached $1,649.80
    while the S&P 500 fell to $1,200.07; a difference of 450, or 37%.
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